CSI's in-process Coating inspection team boasts a multi-faceted and talented staff that provides a one-stop-shop for clients' comprehensive third-party requirements
For example, when your structure is about to have a coating applied you can rely on a certified CSI inspector to monitor the paint or lining project from start to successful completion. The highly trained CSI inspector ensures that all technical contractual requirements are properly met and quality and regulatory standards are achieved.
By conducting an independent, professional and systematic inspection with advanced equipent and instruments, CSI inspectors can unequivocally provide you with unbiased project management and assurance of quality. Detailed electronic documents of the inspector's daily reports are prepared, including an in-process punch list, photographs and verification results.
Our expert team's experience includes work with inorganiz zincs, epoxies, coal-tar enamels, coal-tar cut-backs, vinyls, urethanes, alkyds, acrylics, vinyl esters, PVC linings, and numerous other generic types of coatings that include 100 percent solids materials. CSI's experience includes work with virtually all surface preparation techniques and airless, conventional, plural component, and other application systems in both shop and field settings.
Further, CSI has extensive experience with coating-inspection instrumentation. These state-of-the-art devices include pull-off adhesion testers, ultrasonic gages, soluble salt detectors, moisture meters, holiday detectors, hardness gages, and pH measuring units. The team is well-versed in and adheres to numerous standards and practices established by industry authorities, such as NACE International (NACE), the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), American Petroleum Institute (API), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
CSI's in-process Coating inspection team boasts a multi-faceted and talented staff that provides a one-stop-shop for clients' comprehensive third-party requirements
For example, when your structure is about to have a coating applied you can rely on a certified CSI inspector to monitor the paint or lining project from start to successful completion. The highly trained CSI inspector ensures that all technical contractual requirements are properly met and quality and regulatory standards are achieved.
By conducting an independent, professional and systematic inspection with advanced equipent and instruments, CSI inspectors can unequivocally provide you with unbiased project management and assurance of quality. Detailed electronic documents of the inspector's daily reports are prepared, including an in-process punch list, photographs and verification results.
Our expert team's experience includes work with inorganiz zincs, epoxies, coal-tar enamels, coal-tar cut-backs, vinyls, urethanes, alkyds, acrylics, vinyl esters, PVC linings, and numerous other generic types of coatings that include 100 percent solids materials. CSI's experience includes work with virtually all surface preparation techniques and airless, conventional, plural component, and other application systems in both shop and field settings.
Further, CSI has extensive experience with coating-inspection instrumentation. These state-of-the-art devices include pull-off adhesion testers, ultrasonic gages, soluble salt detectors, moisture meters, holiday detectors, hardness gages, and pH measuring units. The team is well-versed in and adheres to numerous standards and practices established by industry authorities, such as NACE International (NACE), the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), American Petroleum Institute (API), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc.
A proud member of RMA Companies
© 2025 CSI - Website development by WollnerStudios, Inc.
Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc.
A proud member of RMA Companies
© 2025 CSI - Website development by WollnerStudios, Inc.