

CSI Services takes an active role in associations such as:

Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) - A global community of professionals dedicated to materials protection through the advancement of corrosion control and protective coatings. AMPP represents the largest global community of corrosion and protective coatings professionals. Our members are dedicated to advancing technical and practical expertise in corrosion prevention and control. AMPP provides members with the knowledge and resources to ensure high performance materials are used to build and maintain sustainable infrastructure.

American Water Works Association (AWWA) - The authoritative source for safe drinking water.

American Petroleum Institute (API) - To influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry essential to meet the energy needs of consumers in an efficient, environmentally responsible manner.


CSI Services is also involved in the following organizations:

Water Environmental Federations (WEFTEC) - Dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the global water and wastewater environment.

Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) - Dedicated to ensuring that Americans continue to have reliable access to petroleum and petroleum products through policies that are socially, economically and environmentally responsible.

American Concrete Institute - Design, construction, maintenance and repair of concrete structures.

Paint Decorators and Contractors of America (PDCA) - Dedicated to promoting the use of professional painting and decorating contractors to the consumer.

California Rural Water Association - Provides training, technical assistance, resources and information to assist water and wastewater utilities.

Master Painters Institute - Working towards the practical and technical aspects of today's paints and coatings and their professional applications


California DIR Registration Active with ID: 100010187

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Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc.

A proud member of RMA Companies

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